About us
Hasan Andrea Abou Saida – Book consultant and researcher
Graduated in classical studies in Cremona (born in 1989), he obtained the three-year qualification in “Book and paper conservation and preservation” at the school of restoration Cr. Forma in 2018 with a thesis on research, analysis, diagnosis and restoration of the “De re anatomica” di Realdo Colombo (1559).
During his training, he carried out various internships and participated in museum projects and installations:
– Internship as a restoration technician of paper, book, parchment, archival and photographic assets at the State Library of Cremona (August 2015 – February 2016 / October 2017 – December 2017)
– Internship as a restoration technician of paper, book, parchment, archival and photographic assets in the restoration project of the five hundreds architectural drawings of the Monumental Cemetery of Cremona in the project of the Municipality of Cremona “Al servizio della città. Cremona nell’Ottocento attraverso le carte dell’Ufficio Edile”, promoted in collaboration with the State Archives and with the recognition and support of the Regione Lombardia (February 2016 – March 2016).
– Collaborator for the preparation of the exhibition “Janello Torriani. Genio del Rinascimento” organized and promoted by the Municipality of Cremona with the Arvedi Buschini Foundation, Unomedia, Fundacion Juanelo Turriano and supported by the Bracco Foundation at the Museo del Violino on Cremona (September 2016).
– The “Digital Graphics for Restoration” project, in collaboration with several restorers specialized in the restoration of globes, was born in 2016 as a graphic-digital support in the paper-based restoration of terrestrial and celestial globes.
Independent historical-archaeological researcher and writer, for more than ten years he has been carrying out in-depth studies and research on various topics (esotericism, magic, spirituality, initiatory traditions, religious philosophical doctrines, folklore, etc.) trying to go back to the most ancient knowledge and rituals of Indo-European peoples.
Author he published in September 2020 (with the pseudonym Aindreas Fàél) the book “Un viaggio ad Avalon”,published by Anguana Edizioni, and in July 2022, together with author A. Green Woodpecker, published the book “Il Grimorio degli Spiriti di Natura: La Magia del Piccolo Popolo“, published by Unsolocielo Edizioni.